the plants are dried out, the sand blows in the slightest breeze. summer is in full swing, and before long school will start and bring all the activities of a new school year.
vacation is but a memory with only pictures to remind me of the salty breezes i enjoyed. the trip was so relaxing and so fun to watch the kids. i haven't finished uploading all the pics to an album yet, but will post the link when i do.
baseball tourney tomorrow will bring sweat and more sweat. hope they do well, it makes the stinky ride on the way home much more bearable.
hope to squeeze some school shopping in if the boys get done at a decent time. girl child had friends over, and boys are gone now, and the girls can be heard chatting it up from her room with the door closed. she's learning lots about friends and relationships and which boys should be friends and which should be relationships. she cracks me up. she's a little direct like old mom. like i always say, they won't have to worry about her talking behind their backs, she'll let them know how she feels face to face.
getting sleepy. sleep hasn't come easy for a while and haven't felt rested in weeks, but i figure i'll catch up some time. until next time, goodnight!